21-Day Optimal Health Reboot

Everyone wants to eat good food, be active, and enjoy all that life offers. Everyone wants to be healthier, fitter, happier, and more productive. But no one wants to endure a lifetime of misery and hard work just to get there. Luckily, hundreds of thousands of veterans have already discovered that it’s actually really simple, that it doesn’t require suffering and sacrifice, and that just a few foundational changes to the way we approach food, exercise, and life can transform our health and wellness for the rest of our lives.

Follow the steps detailed in the Reboot program. Change your body. Transform your health. Improve your life – for good.

What Is the CuffBiz 21-Day Optimal Health Reboot?

It’s a way to figure out what makes your body tick.

It’s a method for rejuvenating your health and revitalizing your metabolism.

Most of all, the CuffBiz 21-Day Optimal Health Reboot will show you that you have the power to control your health, determine your body composition, and direct gene expression towards fat-burning, muscle-building, energy-producing, and life-extending pathways.

The 21-Day Optimal Health Reboot

Do it for just 21 days and the results will speak for themselves.

21 days is enough time to begin to influence metabolic biochemistry and fuel partitioning, so you can get a handle on hunger, appetite, and cravings. It's a suitable length of time to begin dabbling in—and progressing through—Essential Movements; even for a novice exerciser. It's an opportune duration to begin to shift habits around sleep, play, rest, and stress management.